The Complete Arpeggio Package and Rest Stroke Picking
An in-depth learning of the “rest stroke” picking technique and arpeggios.
Master Arpeggios
Rest stroke is the core of the Gypsy Jazz style, sound and technique.
Arpeggios are a must for any improvisational musician.
In this course, you will learn and practice the rest stroke technique with all the arpeggios you need to know. You will build a daily practice to master the technique and the shapes. After 6 months of 30 minute daily practice, your technique and improvisation skills will have improved tremendously.
Important - This course contains lessons 6,7,9,12,13, 8.2 and 11.2 from my previous site. It is also contains lots of new material!
If you already bought the old lessons contact me and you will be credited the amount of you paid.
* You will know and master the rest stroke picking method.
* You will get examples of how to use arpeggios in your improvisation over the songs Minor Swing and J’attendrai.
* You will know vertical and horizontal positions for minor, major, m9, M9, 6, m6, 7, m7, maj7, dim7, m7b5 arpeggios all over the fingerboard.
* You will know to alter the arpeggio degrees to create new positions such as 7#5, 7#11, Maj7#11 and Maj7#5.
* You will learn how to easily visualize and memorize all of these arpeggios.
*You will know how to use the dim7 arpeggio over the Dom7 chord to create the 7b9 sound.
* You will know how to build a solo run over one chord all over your fretboard.
* You will know how to use the m7b5 chord over dominant7 and m6 chords.
* You will know how to use the m7 chord over M6 and M7 chords.
* You will learn triplet runs.
* You will know how to play an improvisation on a G major turnaround.
* You will know how to play “David” and “Dark Eyes” using only one m7b5 shape.
* You will get examples from Django over “Dinah,” “Montagne Sainte Genevieve” and “Stompin’ At Decca.”
1.1 Introduction
1.2_The Rest Stroke Technique
1.3_The Down-stroke Roll_Triplet Exercise
1.4_Dim7 Arpeggio Exercise
1.5_Introduction to the Rest Stroke Technique - PDF
1.6_Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!
1.7_Four chord families
1.8 Vibrato
2.1_Minor Arpeggios in Four Families
2.2_Minor Arpeggios in Four Families - PDF
2.3_Minor Horizontal Arpeggios
2.4_Horizontal Minor Arpeggios - PDF
2.5_Minor 9 Arpeggios
2.6_Minor 9 Arpeggios - PDF
2.7_Minor 6 Vertical Arpeggios
2.8_Minor 6 Vertical Arpeggios - PDF
2.9_Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!
3.1_Major Vertical Arpeggios in Four Families
3.2_Major Arpeggios in Four Families - PDF
3.3_Major Horizontal Arpeggios
3.4_Horizontal Major Arpeggios - PDF
3.5_Major 9 Horizontal Arpeggios
3.6_Major 9 Horizontal Arpeggios - PDF
3.7_Dom7 Arpeggios
3.8_Dom7 Arpeggios - PDF
3.9 Maj7 Arpeggios
3.10_Maj7 Arpeggios - PDF
3.11_Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!
4.1 The dim chord
4.2_dim7 shapes
4.3_dim7 shapes - PDF
4.4_dim7 over the Dom7 chord
4.5_dim7over the Dom7 chord - PDF
4.6_Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!
5.1_The Concept - Overview
5.2_m7b5 - m6 Horizontal Shapes
5.3_m7b5 - m6 Vertical Shapes
5.4_Transition Points
5.5_The m7b5 as m6 - PDF
5.6_m7b5 over the Dom7 Chord
5.7_7add9 Arpeggios + Examples
5.8_The m7b5 Arpeggio as 7add9 - PDF
5.9_The m7b5 Shapes in your Accompaniment
5.10_The m7b5 Shapes in your Accompaniment - PDF
5.11_Song Example - David
5.12_Song Example - Dark Eyes
5.13_Songs Examples - PDF
5.14_Ending Lick
5.15_Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!
6.2_Horizontal Positions
6.3_The m7 as M6 Horizontal Arpeggios - PDF
6.4_Improvisation on G Major Turnaround
6.5_Improvisation on G Major Turnaround - PDF
6.6_Vertical Positions
6.7_Vertical Positions - PDF
6.8_Practice Guidelines
6.9_The M6 Sound in Django's Playing
6.10_The M6 sound in Django's playing - PDF
6.11_m7 as the Maj7 add9 Sound
6.12_m7 as the Maj7 add9 Sound - PDF
6.13_Practice in the Cycle of Fourths
6.14_Adding the 9th - Summary
6.15_Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!