Course Description

I will show you how to learn a song in a way that gives you a deep understanding and allows you to improvise with the melody and chords, add tensions, colors, substitutes, and make the song "yours", so that you can make it original each time you play it. It's only then that the joy of music arises.

As always with my lessons, you will UNDERSTAND everything that you play so you can use it AGAIN and AGAIN in any other musical situation. So beside the delicious fish you get here, I’ll also teach you how to fish.

Enjoy the dish!

After Watching This Course:

*You will know how to play Tu Djaial melody and accompaniment - basic and advanced ways.

 *You will know how to play Bass&Chords Accompaniment.

* You will know how to create melodic lines with colorful tensions in your accompaniment and chords.

* You will know how to create an interesting improvisation around the melody.

* You will know how to create and play beautiful chord melody to the song.

* You will know how to compose your own intros and endings.

Course curriculum

    1. 1.1 Technique - Basic Accompaniment

    2. 1.2 Technique - Bass and Chords

    3. 1.3 Waltz accompaniment

    4. 1.4 Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!

    1. 2.1 Melody

    2. 2.2 Basic accompaniment

    3. 2.3 Tu Djaial - PDF

    4. 2.4 Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!

    1. 3.1 Harmonic structure and available tensions

    2. 3.1.2 Harmonic structure and available tensions - PDF

    3. 3.2 Bass and Chords - A1

    4. 3.3 Bass and Chords - A2

    5. 3.4 Bass and Chords - B1

    6. 3.5 Bass and Chords - B2

    7. 3.6 Complete Bass and Chords Etude

    8. 3.7 How to practice and how to implement harmonic ideas on other songs

    9. 3.8 Bass and Chords Etude - PDF

    10. 3.9 Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!

    1. 4.1 Chord melody - A1

    2. 4.2 Chord melody - A2

    3. 4.3 Chord Melody - B Part

    4. 4.4 Putting it all together

    5. 4.5 Chord Melody Etude - PDF

    6. 4.6 Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!

    1. 5.1 Improvisation etude - A part

    2. 5.2 Improvisation etude - B part

    3. 5.3 Putting it all together

    4. 5.4 Improvisation etude - PDF

    5. 5.5 Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!

    1. 6.1 Composing an Intro with a harmonic progression

    2. 6.2 Composing an intro with single notes

    3. 6.3 Ending

    4. 6.4 Intro and Ending - PDF

    5. 6.5 Community Discussion - Ask Questions, Comment and Share Your Thoughts!

About this course

  • $147.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
